Ajia Group

Our primary goal is finding and fostering trusted international business relationships. Our Executive Committee is comprised of longtime investors from the United States and Asia who enjoy investing and supporting passionate people operating global businesses around the world.

As a privately held investment partnership, we maintain a truly long-term approach and focus exclusively on serving the long-term needs of our investors and business partners. Investments require significant time commitment on our part. We stay involved and work with our partners to assist – aggressively if necessary - in their success. We ask tough questions while always seeking to provide a pathway to success from those questions.

We believe life's riches are found in the people you choose to surround yourself with.  Building longterm personal relationships is the key to unlocking those riches.


Our founding roots are in Asia.  As a result, our Executive Team has decades of experience in cross-border transactions throughout Asia particularly between China, Korea and Japan.  In addition, we also rely upon our Asia based partners to support our capital investment and provide corporate advisory services for our clients here in the United States.

  • Cross Border Advisory Services - Advisory services for those seeking to conduct cross boarder transactions between the Pacific Rim countries and the US.
  • Corporate Finance Services - Corporate finance advisory services focused on private transactions in Asia.

Our Partners create the foundation for our success and are the basis of our investment philosophy.  Ajia Group and is a minority owned business.  As proud Asian-American citizens, we hope to foster better business relationships between Asia and America as well as within the Asian-American community here in the United States.  We believe better international trade and investment is key to improving those relationships.

For information contact info@ajiaholdings.com



Ajia Group
100 Jericho Quadrangle
Jericho, New York 11753

Contact: info@ajiaholdingscom